Field Notes on Letting Go

What People Are Saying

“Anyone who has experienced childhood trauma and painful losses in adulthood alike will relate to this author’s quest to reclaim her life. Through a dedication to heal her spirit, this beautiful and deeply honest journey of uncovering deeply buried childhood memories, loss of a child, and 25-year marriage, is certain to inspire anyone seeking a deeper understanding of how to let go of the past and move forward in our one precious life. This book is full of wisdom and light to illuminate a new way of being when our old ways of coping no longer serve our highest good. If you yearn to hear a fresh, articulate, and courageous voice to inspire your own journey, read this book!" - Mary

The memoir and accompanying workbook are helping me in countless ways to process moving into myself. I cannot recommend the workbook enough, to really stretch my experience into reality. It has set me into healthy daily practice and discovering what is important in being. Thank you." - Dawn

What a beautifully laid out book with some deep truths woven throughout. The short essay style made it so easy and accessible to read, but then I kept just wanting to read more and found I couldn’t put it down. There are aspects of Janet’s story in all of our stories and we walk away from reading this memoir, knowing ourselves better and maybe giving ourselves a little more grace because of her perspective and insights. Thank you for putting your heart out for all of us to witness and learn from!” — Debra

"Letting go is an essential skill yet one we all seem to grapple with time and time again. In reading this book I found myself in so much admiration for Janet as a brave, humble and courageously real human working through tremendous and every day challenges. So relatable and so healing."  - Stacia 

When my 25-year marriage fell apart, my life came crumbling down. As I sat in the rubble, I realized that the only way to move forward was to confront a painful past and learn to let go. Leaving my 33-year career in health care sustainability, I headed to Hawaii to put an end to what was and find the beginning of what’s next.

Embarking on a vision quest, I immersed myself in the natural world and received a message of trust and divine guidance. I started to see nature as a safe place to learn valuable lessons for navigating life and healing. I offer hope and insights through inspirational essays and heart-centered stories to help others feel less alone with life’s challenges and instead embrace difficult life experiences as initiations, offering wisdom and hidden gifts. On my spiritual journey, I realized that, creating real change in the world, - environmentally, socially, politically, spiritually, - starts with ourselves. Heal ourselves, heal each other, and heal the world.

Field Notes on Letting Go is for people that want to drop the script they’ve been forced to follow, write a new narrative, and live free from fear. It is accompanied by Field Notes on Letting Go - A Pondering Workbook for further exploration of the landscape of life, connection to nature, and to your inner child for healing and personal freedom.

Field Notes on Letting Go - A memoir of truth-seeking, healing, and personal freedom - Released in 2023, the two books are designed to be used together - reading and writing.

Retailers may order from Ingram or other wholesaler. For locals, the books are available at Amherst Books, Odyssey Book Shop in South Hadley, Broadside Books and Booklink Book sellers in Northampton and Barnes & Noble in Hadley. The book can be requested and ordered from any bookstore :).