
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 90% of Americans over 65 rely on at least one prescription drug to treat an ailment.
— Dr. Alberto Villoldo - "Grow a New Body"

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I navigated the grocery store with fresh eyes today - seeking gluten free and sugar free options. B O R I N G. I’m accustomed to eating a vegan diet and I know what I like. But not all the things I eat are gluten free and certainly not sugar free. I am not very familiar with close scrutiny of nutritional information but it was interesting and alarming. I imagine most of you are ahead of me in that regard.

The most uncomfortable switch was passing by my favorite oatmilk - because it turns out that it has added sugar. I found two. 1) “Planet Oat - unsweetened.”  I don’t like it very much - it’s light tan and thick - but not in a creamy way. I miss my Oatily. And 2) Califia Farms Zero Sugar Oat Milk - better. Clean Green Simple offers their recommendations for nondairy milk (some with no sugar.) The Grow a New Body program is not vegan  - but it is dairy free. I eat a lot of veggie burgers and had to swap out my go-to which is Gardein Plant-based be’f burger. I selected Hilary’s organic Southwest Adzuki Bean Veggie Burgers - wheat and sugar free. I haven’t tried them yet. I could not find a gluten free hamburger bun with no added sugar but I found bread. I selected O’Doughs White Bread - yes I would have preferred a seedier bread and I will look for something different online. I found some gluten free and sugar free hamburger buns online but they were $39 for six buns. I can live without buns.  I selected Maria and Ricardo’s Almond Flower Tortillas. In full disclosure - I am no expert on nutrition or foods so please do your own research. I am eating too much fruit for sure.

What are some of your favorite foods for the “Grow a New Body program? Refer to the book for for recipes and guidance and sites like mygfsfkitchen


a Sacred Act


Ascending the Sugar-free Mountain