Sugar Comfort

Do you sleep well? Can you recall your dreams in the morning when you wake up? Are you able to dream lucidly, knowing you’re dreaming while you’re in the dream? Do you learn rapidly? Are you able to adapt to new situations rapidly? Are you able to leave work stress in the office and not take it home?
— Dr. Villoldo states that if you answer no to any of the questions, you need to upgrade your gut.
Sugar is the deadliest toxin found in nearly every kitchen in America.
— Dr. Alberto Villoldo

So what is it with sugar and me? I started my relationship with sugar as a child. I thought describing it as an “addiction” was an exaggeration - an untruth. Dr. Villoldo’s book explains that sugar truly can be an addiction and considered a poison for the gut – and for the brain – and for spirituality. Alberto Villoldo writes, “Sugar is the deadliest toxin found in nearly every kitchen in America.” His blog explains the link between sugar and diabetes, Alzheimer’s, candida, brain fog, cancer and more. He explains, “Sugary foods (and carbs, which convert to sugar) stimulate the same centers in the brain that are stimulated by drugs like heroin and cocaine by releasing the neurotransmitter dopamine, which triggers a pleasure response. You may think you’re gorging on chocolate cake or tortilla chips because you love the taste, but the real reason is that the yeast, fungi, and bad bacteria in your gut thrive on sugar, and to get their fix they bring on cravings. So, you eat more sugary foods.”

I have been waking up with stomach aches for a few years now. They really picked up when I wrote my memoir, Field Notes on Letting Go. Stomach aches were common when I was a child and often kick in during the night - when I wasn’t safe. 

“Growing a new body” requires the elimination of sugar and the use of supplements - not forever - but for a specific period. While sugar elimination is required - we also have to replenish the healthy bacteria in the gut and reduce protein consumption. I reviewed the required supplements - “Ching Ching” $$$$ - I could not afford that. I could do it when I had more money. But then I heard Alberto Villoldo’s voice in my head - he told us to take our “ifs” and “when’s” and turn them around. So instead of saying “I would grow a new body when I had the money,” now I would imagine, “Grow a new body and you will have more money.” I bought the supplements a few weeks ago and held onto them - not ready to take the plunge.

So that is where I started - resistance, information gathering and then a decision to make the commitment – reluctantly – and with trepidation. If you want to join me, it’s time to buy “Grow a New Body” so you can gather all the details from Dr. Villoldo. The supplements are described in detail in Chapter six. They are also listed in Chapter 15 - preparing for the program.

Action Items: Buy the book, prepare your pantry and fridge and purchase the supplements.


Ascending the Sugar-free Mountain


Grow a New Body